
The chloroplast-associated protein degradation pathway controls chromoplast development and fruit ripening in tomato
An engineered extraplastidial pathway for carotenoid biofortification of leaves
Curing and low-temperature combined post-harvest storage enhances anthocyanin biosynthesis in blood oranges
A Minor Role of Host Fruit on the Parasitic Performance of Aganaspis daci (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) on Medfly Larvae
Uncovering salt tolerance mechanisms in pepper plants: a physiological and transcriptomic approach
Interplay among Antioxidant System, Hormone Profile and Carbohydrate Metabolism during Bud Dormancy Breaking in a High-Chill Peach Variety
Efficient Cas9 multiplex editing using unspaced sgRNA arrays engineering in a Potato virus X vector
Flexible Fungal Materials: Shaping the Future
K-seq, an affordable, reliable, and open Klenow NGS-based genotyping technology
Signaling in the Tomato Immunity against Fusarium oxysporum
Agronomic Assessment of a Controlled-Release Polymer-Coated Urea-Based Fertilizer in Maize
Spatial Organization and Coordination of the Plant Circadian System