
Molecular signatures of silencing suppression degeneracy from a complex RNA virus
RNAseq reveals different transcriptomic responses to GA(3) in early and midseason varieties before ripening initiation in sweet cherry fruits
Early Population Dynamics of “”Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus”” in Susceptible and Resistant Genotypes After Inoculation With Infected Diaphorina citri Feeding on Young Shoots
Symptom Severity, Infection Progression and Plant Responses in Solanum Plants Caused by Three Pospiviroids Vary with the Inoculation Procedure
Exomer complex regulates protein traffic at the TGN through differential interactions with cargos and clathrin adaptor complexes
An Update on Crop ABA Receptors
Ectopic targeting of CG DNA methylation in Arabidopsis with the bacterial SssI methyltransferase
IDA (INFLORESCENCE DEFICIENT IN ABSCISSION)-like peptides and HAE (HAESA)-like receptors regulate corolla abscission in Nicotiana benthamiana flowers
CRISPR-Mediated Strand Displacement Logic Circuits with Toehold-Free DNA
Opposing roles of plant laticifer cells in the resistance to insect herbivores and fungal pathogens
Gene regulation in climacteric fruit ripening
Biological and molecular characterization of linalool-mediated field resistance against Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri in citrus trees