
Large-scale Production of Recombinant RNAs on a Circular Scaffold Using a Viroid-derived System in Escherichia coli
Regulation of xylem fiber differentiation by gibberellins through DELLA-KNAT1 interaction
A common genetic mechanism underlies morphological diversity in fruits and other plant organs
Viroid Diseases in Pome and Stone Fruit Trees and Koch’s Postulates: A Critical Assessment
Citrus tristeza virus co-opts glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase for its infectious cycle by interacting with the viral-encoded protein p23
The utility of fitness landscapes and big data for predicting evolution
Quantitative analysis of the dose-response of white spot syndrome virus in shrimp
Starch degradation, abscisic acid and vesicular trafficking are important elements in callose priming by indole-3-carboxylic acid in response to Plectosphaerella cucumerina infection
New Insights into the Nucleolar Localization of a Plant RNA Virus-Encoded Protein That Acts in Both RNA Packaging and RNA Silencing Suppression: Involvement of Importins Alpha and Relevance for Viral Infection
Going, going, gone: predicting the fate of genomic insertions in plant RNA viruses
Alternative processing of its precursor is related to miR319 decreasing in melon plants exposed to cold
Boolean Computation in Plants Using Post-translational Genetic Control and a Visual Output Signal