Seminar Rafael Catalá (Cib, Madrid) 24th September 12:30

“Trimethylamine N-oxide is a new plant molecule that promotes abiotic stress tolerance” The sessile lifestyle of plants severely conditions their response to environmental changes, which frequently derivates in stressful situations. Thus, plants have evolved a panoply of strongly regulated adaptive processes to face these changes and survive. Rafael Catalá´s career has been focused in understanding […]

Día de la Fascinación por las Plantas, 18 de Mayo de 2021

La Comisión de Divulgación del IBMCP celebra este día con dos vídeos donde os contamos cosas fascinantes sobre las plantas.   ¡Esperamos que os gusten!  

Seminar Laura Botigué (Crag, Barcelona) 2nd Of July 12:30

Laura Botigué is a Ramón y Cajal Fellow and Group Leader of the “Genomics of ancient crops and domestication” at the Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG). Her group focuses on the use of population genetics theory to unravel the details behind plant domestication, dispersal and selection of early agronomic traits of interest. At […]

Seminar Juan Carlos Montesinos (Eth Zürich, Switzerland) 18th Of June 12:30

Juan Carlos Montesinos began his scientific career as cell biologist at the University of Valencia (Spain) in the group of Dr. Fernando Aniento and Dr. Maria Jesús Marcote, where he completed his PhD in Biotechnology in 2014. After that, he started as postdoc in Dr. Eva Benkova group at the Institute of Science and Technology […]

Seminar Isabel Molina (Algoma University, Canada) 11th Of June 16:00h

Isabel earned her Ph.D. in 2008 and, after completing postdoctoral training at MSU, she joined Algoma University in 2011 at the rank of Assistant Professor. Isabel’s research focuses on investigating how plants make the protective lipids that establish the main physical barrier with the environment, a field that touches related disciplines, including biochemistry, molecular genetics, […]

Seminar Prof. Hao Yu (University Of Singapore) 4th Of June 11:00

Prof Hao YU is currently Provost Chair Professor & Head of the Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore (NUS), and Board Director & Temasek Senior Investigator of Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory. He obtained Bachelor and Master’s Degree in Shanghai Jiaotong University (China), and Ph.D degree in NUS (Singapore), and did postdoc research in […]