At IBMCP we work to be a diverse Institute with an inclusive and egalitarian culture

Inclusive Science

At IBMCP we work to be a diverse Institute with an inclusive and egalitarian culture

Diversity comes in many forms: in age, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, geography, abilities, socio-economic status, personality, area of expertise, level of experience, style of thinking, skill set, opportunities we had and didn’t have… at the end of the day, we are all different.

At IBMCP we work to be a diverse Institute with an inclusive and egalitarian culture, where all people feel valued as essential, can give the best of themselves and develop all their talents, because evidence shows that when people feel valued, they function at full capacity and feel part of the community, organisation…

Because science also benefits from diversity and this is multiplied if people with a wide range of perspectives are included in each other. This has great potential to enhance our ability to create new things and contribute positively to the common good.

At our Institute, we believe that teams that include different types of perspectives outperform homogenous groups on complex tasks, including improved problem solving, greater innovation and more accurate predictions. All of this leads to better performance and results when a diverse team is tasked with tackling a given problem.

Because diverse and inclusive scientific teams can generate new research questions, develop methodical and analytical approaches to better understand study populations, and offer approaches to problem solving from multiple and contrasting perspectives.

For all these reasons, we have set up the IBMCP Equality Commission, which is constituted with the main objective of protecting the Principle of Equality and thus trying to eliminate any type of discrimination based on sex, ethnicity, religion, ideology, age, disability or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.

With this commitment, the Commission will seek the necessary measures and actions to integrate the Principle of Equality in the school. This includes access to information, awareness and communication campaigns and the reconciliation of work and family life, among others.

Another fundamental objective of this Commission will be to channel the needs and suggestions that may arise in terms of equality from any member of the IBMCP, through the e-mail

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“For a world where we are socially equal, humanly different and totally free”.

Rosa Luxemburg

Commission members

Members by election of the IBMCP Equality Comission

Borja Belda Palazón. Investigador Career Track Fellow Ext. 79937


Asier Briones Moreno. Investigador Post-doctoral Ext. 78607

MªDolores Gómez Jimenez: Científica Titular del CSIC Ext. 77786

Mª Angeles Martínez Godoy: Técnica de Laboratorio Ext. 78605

Antonio Monforte Gilabert: Investigador Científico del CSIC Ext. 77783

Blanca Salazar Sarasua. Investigadora Pre-doctoral Ext. 78603


Members in representation of the IBMCP Direction

JM Mulet. Catedrático de Universidad Ext. 77775

Rosa Porcel. Profesora Titular Universidad Ext. 79930

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