

Teléfono: +34 963 877 849
Extensión: 77849
Career Track Fellow
Investigadora Ramón y Cajal
ResearcherID: O-6441-2019
Localización: 0.09


I began my academic journey with a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Lleida (UdL), Spain, in 2006, followed by a Ph.D. in Molecular Entomology at the same institution in 2010. My research is dedicated to advancing sustainable agricultural practices, with a focus on developing innovative solutions for pest and disease management.
Currently, my work is centered on four key areas: 1) inducing plant defenses against pests and diseases, 2) exploring new tools to reduce plant stress, 3) discovering and developing new biopesticides, and 4) employing RNAi technology for pest control.
Throughout my career, I have specialized in managing major pests affecting economically crucial crops, including citrus, persimmon, pepper, and tomato. Additionally, I have pioneered a novel approach based on plant communication for more sustainable pest and disease management strategies. My overall goal is to unravel the mechanisms of plant defense through volatile communication and decode their impact on pests, pathogens, and natural enemies.

Publicaciones destacadas

Publications in indexed scientific journals (2020-2024)

•Bouagga S, Urbaneja A, Depalo L, Rubio L, Pérez-Hedo M. 2020. Zoophytophagous predator induced defences restrict accumulation of the tomato spotted wilt virus. Pest Management Science, 76:561-567.
•Silva DB, Urbaneja A, Pérez-Hedo M. 2020.Response of mirid predators to synthetic herbivore-induced plant volatiles. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 169:125-132.
•Leung K, Ras E, Ferguson KB, Ariëns S, Babendreier D, Bijma P, Bourtzis K, Brodeur J, Bruins MA, Centurión A, Chattington SR, Chinchilla-Ramírez M, Dicke M, Fatouros NE, González-Cabrera J, Groot TVM, Haye T, Knapp M, Koskinioti P, Le Hesran S, Lyrakis M, Paspati A, Pérez-Hedo M, Plouvier WN, Schlötterer V, Stahl JM, Thiel A, Urbaneja A, van de Zande L, Verhulst EC, Vet LEM, Visser S, Werren JH, Xia S, Zwaan BJ, Magalhães S, Beukeboom LW, Pannebakker BA. 2020. Next-generation biological control: the need for integrating genetics and genomics. Biological Reviews, 95(6): 1838-1854.
•Catalá-Oltra M, Llacer E, Urbaneja A, Pérez-Hedo M. 2020. Development and validation of real-time PCR method to estimate stored sperm in the spermathecae of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 113: 1471-1478.
•Roda A, Castillo J, Allen C, Urbaneja A, Pérez-Hedo M, Weihman S, Stansly PA. 2020.Biological control potential and drawbacks of three zoophytophagous mirid predators against Bemisia tabaci in the United States. Insects, 11: 670.
•Chinchilla-Ramírez M, Pérez-Hedo M, Pannebakker BA, Urbaneja A. 2020. Genetic variation in the feeding behavior of isofemale lines of Nesidiocoris tenuis. Insects, 11: 513.
•Chinchilla-Ramírez M, Garzo E, Fereres A, Gavara-Vidal J, ten Broeke CJM, van Loon JJA, Urbaneja A, Pérez-Hedo M. 2021. Plant feeding by Nesidiocoris tenuis: Quantifying its behavioral and mechanical components. Biological Control, 152: 104402.
Pérez-Hedo M, Riahi C, Urbaneja A. 2021. Use of zoophytophagous mirid bugs in horticultural crops: Current challenges and future perspectives.Pest Management Science 77: 33–42.
•Ferguson K, Visser S, Dalíková M, Provazníková I, Urbaneja A, Pérez-Hedo M, Marec F, Werren J, Zwaan B, Pannebakker B, Verhulst E. 2021. Jekyll or Hyde? The genome (and more) of Nesidiocoris tenuis, a zoophytophagous predatory bug that is both a biological control agent and a pest. Insect Molecular Biology 30(2): 188-209.
•Cruz-Miralles J, Cabedo-López M, Guzzo M, Pérez-Hedo M, Flors V, Jaques JA. 2021. Plant defense responses triggered by phytoseiid predatory mites (Mesostigmata: Phytoseiidae) are species-specific, depend on plant genotype and may not be related to direct plant feeding. Biocontrol, 66: 381-394.
Pérez-Hedo M, Gallego C, Roda A, Kostyc B, Triana M, Alférez F, Stansly PA, Qureshi J, Urbaneja A. 2021. Biological traits of the predatory mirid Macrolophus praeclarus, a candidate biocontrol agent for the Neotropical region. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 111(4):429-437.
Pérez-Hedo M, Alonso-Valiente M, Vacas S, Gallego C, Rambla JL, Navarro-Llopis V, Granell A, Urbaneja A. 2021. Eliciting tomato plant defenses by exposure to herbivore induced plant volatiles. Entomologia Generalis, 41: 209-218.
Pérez-Hedo M; Alonso-Valiente M; Vacas S; Gallego C; Pons C; Arbona V; Rambla JL; Navarro-Llopis V; Granell A; Urbaneja A. 2021. : Plant exposure to herbivore-induced plant volatiles: a sustainable approach through eliciting plant defenses. Journal of Pest Science, 94: 1221-1235.
•Mansour D, Pérez-Hedo M, karamaouna F, Braham M, Jaques JA, Urbaneja A. 2021. Biological control of the citrus leafminer twenty-five years after its introduction in Spain: a new player in the game. Biological Control, 155:104529.
•Ruíz-Rivero O, Garcia-Lor A, Rojas-Panadero B, Franco JC, Khamis FM, Kruger K, Cifuentes D, Bielza P, Tena A, Urbaneja A, Pérez-Hedo M. 2021. Insights into the origin of the invasive populations of Trioza erytreae in Europe using micro satellite markers and mtDNA barcoding approaches. Scientific Report 11:18651.
•Silva DB, Jiménez A, Urbaneja A, Pérez-Hedo M, Bento JMS. 2021. Changes in plant responses induced by an arthropod influence the colonization behavior of a subsequent herbivore. Pest Management Science 77: 4168-4180.
•Catalá-Oltra M, Llácer E, Dembilio O, Pla I, Urbaneja A, Pérez-Hedo M. 2021. Remating in Ceratitis capitata sterile males: Implications in sterile insect technique programmes. Journal of Applied Entomology, 94: 1221-1235.
•Desneux N, Han P, Mansour R, Arnó J, Brévault T, Campos MR, Chailleux A, Guedes RNC, Karimi J, Konan, KAJ, Lavoir AV, Luna MG, Perez-Hedo M, Urbaneja A, Verheggen FJ, Zappalà L, Abbes K, Ali A, Bayram Y, Cantor F, Cuthbertson AGS, De Vis R, Erler F, Firake DM, Haddi K, Hajjar MJ, Ismoilov K, Jaworski lC, Kenis M, Liu H-t, Madadi H, Martin T, Mazih A, Messelink G, Mohamed SA, Nofemela RS, Oke A, Ramo C, Ricupero M, Roditakis E, Shashank, PR, Wan, F-H, Wang, M-h, Wang S, Zhang Y-B, Biondi A. 2022. Integrated pest management of Tuta absoluta: practical implementations across different world regions. Journal of Pest Science, 95:17-39.
• Riahi C, González-Rodríguez J, Alonso-Valiente M, Urbaneja A, Pérez-Hedo M. 2022. Eliciting plant defenses through herbivore-induced plant volatiles’ exposure in sweet peppers. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9:776827.
•Tortorici S, Biondi A, Pérez-Hedo M, Larbat R, Zappalà L. 2022. Plant defences for enhanced integrated pest management in tomato. Annals of Applied Biology, 180: 328-337.
Pérez-Hedo M, Bouagga S, Zhang NX, Moerkens R, Messelink G, Jaques JA, Flors V, Broufas G, Urbaneja A, Pappas ML. 2022. Induction of plant defenses: the added value of zoophytophagous predators. Journal of Pest Science, 95: 1501-1517.
•Depalo L, Urbaneja A, Gallego C, Fournarakos A, Alonso-Valiente M, Pérez-Hedo M. 2022. Eliciting sweet pepper plant resistance to Aulacorthum solani and attractiveness on Aphelinus abdominalis by exposure to (Z)-3-hexenyl propanoate. Entomologia generalis, 42(5): 743-749.
•Dahmane M, Urbaneja A, Ruíz-Rivero O, Alonso-Valiente M, Pérez-Hedo M. 2022. The zoophytophagous predator Pilophorus clavatus (Hemiptera: Miridae) induces plant defenses in citrus plants. Journal of Pest Science, 95: 1519-1530.
•Castillo J, Roda A, Qureshi J, Pérez-Hedo M, Urbaneja A, Stansly P. 2022. Sesame as an alternative host plant to establish and retain predatory mirids in open-field tomatoes. Plants, 11(20): 2779.
•Ben Abdallah S; Riahi C; Vacas S; Navarro-Llopis V; Urbaneja A; Pérez-Hedo M. 2023. The dual benefit of plant essential oils against Tuta absoluta. Plants, 12(5),985.
•Riahi C; Urbaneja A; Moriones E; Fernández-Muñoz R; Fortes IM; Pérez-Hedo M. 2023. Induction of glandular trichomes to control Bemisia tabaci in tomato crops: modulation by the natural enemy Nesidiocoris tenuis. Phytopathology, 113(9):1677-1685.
Pérez-Hedo M; Pedroche V; Urbaneja A. 2023. Temperature-driven selection of predatory mirid bugs for improving aphid control in sweet pepper crops. Horticulturae, 9, 572.
•Hernández-Pelegrín L; García-Martínez R; Llácer E; Nieves L; Llopis-Giménez A; Catalá-Oltra M; Dembilio O; Pérez-Hedo M; Urbaneja A; Ros VID; Beitia F; Herrero S. 2023. Covert infection with an RNA virus affects medfly fitness and the interaction with its natural parasitoid Aganaspis daci. Journal of Pest Science, 97:269-280.
•Ricupero M; Biondi A; Campolo O; Alonso-Valiente M; Gallego C; Zappalà L; Urbaneja A. Pérez-Hedo M. 2024. Garlic and peppermint essential oils elicit plant defensive responses in sweet peppers. Entomologia generalis, 43 (5): 1001-1010.
•Ortolá B,Urbaneja A, Eiras M, Pérez-Hedo M, Daròs JA. 2024. RNAi-mediated silencing of Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) endogenous genes using orally-supplied double-stranded RNAsproduced in Escherichia coli. Pest management science, 80(3):1087-1098.
Pérez-Hedo M, Ortells-fabra R, Alonso-valinete M, Ruiz-Rivero O, Urbaneja A. 2024. Enhancing the biocontrol potential of the predator Nesidiocoris tenuis through genetic selection. Biological Control, 188:105413.
Pérez-Hedo M, Urbaneja A, Alferez F. 2024. Homobrassinolide Delays Huanglongbing Progression in Newly Planted Citrus (Citrus sinensis) Trees. Plants, 13(9), 1229.
•Depalo L, Gallego C, Ortells-Fabra R, Salas C, Montalt R, Urbaneja A, Pérez-Hedo M. 2024. Advancing tomato crop protection: Green leaf volatile-mediated defense mechanisms against Nesidiocoris tenuis plant damage. Biological Control, 192:105517.

•Giuliano G, Campolo O, Forte G, Urbaneja A, Pérez-Hedo M, Latella I, Palmeri V,. Giunti G. 2024. Insecticidal activity of allium sativum essential oil-based nanoemulsion against Spodoptera littoralis. Insects, 15(7), 476.
•Modafferi A, Giunti G, Urbaneja A, Laudani F, Latella I, Pérez-Hedo M, Ricupero M, Palmeri V, Campolo O. 2024. High-energy emulsification of Allium sativum essential oil boosts insecticidal activity against Planococcus citri with no risk to honeybees. Journal of Pest Science,
Pérez-Hedo M, Gallego-Giraldo C, Forner-Giner MA, Ortells-Fabra R, Urbaneja A. 2024. Plant volatile-triggered defense in citrus against biotic stressors. Frontiers in Plant Science,
•Urbaneja A, Ortells-Fabra R, Pérez-Hedo M. 2024. Enhancing tomato resilience to water stress: A synergy of Trichoderma harzianum and Nesidiocoris tenuis inoculation. Entomologia generalis, DOI: 10.1127/entomologia/2024/2787.

Publications in non-indexed scientific journals (2020-2024)

•Ben Abdallah S; Riahi C; Vacas S; Navarro-Llopis V; Urbaneja A; Pérez-Hedo M. 2023. The dual benefit of plant essential oils against Tuta absoluta. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 167: 261-262.
•Depalo L, Gallego C, Ortells-Fabra R, Salas C, Urbaneja A, Pérez-Hedo M. 2023. Activating tomato plant defenses reduce the damage caused by the zoophytophagous predatory mirid Nesidiocoris tenuis. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 167: 263-264.
•Urbaneja A, Ortells-Fabra R, Pérez-Hedo M. 2023. The combined effect of Trichoderma harzianum and Nesidiocoris tenuis inoculation on water stress in tomato. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 167: 183-184.
•Urbaneja A, Ortells-Fabra R, Ruíz-Rivero O, Chinchilla-Ramírez M, Alonso-Valiente M, Pérez-Hedo M.. 2023. Reducing the plant damage caused by the zoophytophagous predator Nesidiocoris tenuis through genetic selection. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin 167:286-287.
•Riahi C; Urbaneja A; Fernández-Muñoz R; Moriones E; Pérez-Hedo M. 2023. Nesidiocoris tenuis induces the early expression of type IV glandular trichomes in tomatoes. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin 167:280-281.
•Riahi C; Urbaneja A; Gallego C; Pérez-Hedo M. 2023. Exploring the potential of plant volatiles to enhance pest management in sweet pepper plants. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 167: 154-157.
•Aryal D, Abdallah SB, Perez-Hedo M, Urbaneja A, Alferez. 2023. Brassinosteroids Enhance Immunity Against Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus in Citrus Plants: A Promising Approach to Control Huanglongbing (HLB). ASHS Annual Conference. ISSN: 2327-9788.
•Mollá O., Urbaneja A., Granero-García A, Ortells-Fabra R., Pérez-Hedo M. 2024. Uso combinado de Trichoderma harzianum y Nesidiocoris tenuis en el cultivo de tomate. En libro de actas: II Congrés de la Tomata Valenciana. L’Autèntica. Valencia, 30 de mayo de 2024.

Outreach Publications (2020-2024)

•Urbaneja A, Pérez-Hedo M, Marco-Noales E, Urbaneja-Bernat P, Hernández-Suárez E, Monzó C, Tena A. 2020. La prevención es todavía la mejor arma para mantener la salud fitosanitaria de los cítricos españoles. Vida Rural, 480: 30-37.
Pérez-Hedo M, Alonso-Valiente M, Vacas S, Navarro-Llopis V, Urbaneja A. 2020 Volátiles emitidos por plantas: nueva herramienta de gestión de plagas. Boletín Sociedad Española de Entomología Aplicada (SEEA), 5: 58-62.
•Garcia-Martínez O, Pérez-Hedo M, Urbaneja A, Beitia FJ. 2021. Principales fitófagos en el cultivo de caqui de la Comunidad Valenciana: evolución e incidencia en los últimos años. Phytoma España. 326: 20-27.
Pérez-Hedo M, Alonso-Valiente M, Riahi C, Bouagga S, Urbaneja A. 2021. Inducción de defensas en pimiento: una nueva herramienta sostenible de gestión de plagas y enfermedades. Phytoma España. 327: 96-98.
•Riahi C., Alonso-Valiente M, Urbaneja A, Pérez-Hedo M.2022. Nuevas herramientas para el manejo de plagas en pimiento. Vida Rural, 515: 42-46.
• Urbaneja A, Silva DB, Alonso-Valiente M, Bento JMS, Pérez-Hedo M. 2022. Interacciones herbívoro-herbívoro: respuesta defensiva de la planta frente a distintos ataques de herbívoros. Boletín Sociedad Española de Entomología Aplicada (SEEA), 6: 15-18.
•Cebolla-Sos R, Pérez-Hedo M, Monzó C, Tena A, Urbaneja A. 2022. El psílido asiático de los cítricos Diaphorina citri: la mayor amenaza de la citricultura mediterránea. : Phytoma España,340: 25-32.
• Urbaneja A, Pérez-Hedo M, Monzó C, Tena A. 2023. La expansión de psílidos transmisores de HLB en la cuenca del Mediterráneo. Phytoma España, 347, 84-87.
Pérez-Hedo M, Urbaneja A. 2023. Un nuevo enfoque sostenible de gestión de plagas y enfermedades a través de la inducción de las defensas de las plantas. Phytoma España, 347, 56-58.
•Forner-Giner MA, Marco-Noales E, Pérez-Hedo M, Tena A, Urbaneja A, Vicent T. 2023. Últimos resultados en la prevención y lucha frente al HLB y sus vectores. L’Agrària (L’Agrària#03.v300523), pag: 6-9
Pérez-Hedo M.; R. Ortells-Fabra, P. Morales-Amezcua, B. Granero-García, I. Martínez-Sañudo y A. Urbaneja. 2023. Avances recientes en el control biológico de plagas en cultivos de invernadero: el cultivo del tomate como caso práctico. Phytoma España, 353.
•Urbaneja A, Ortells-Fabra R., Pérez-Hedo M. 2024. Selección genética del depredador Nesidiocoris tenuis. Boletín Sociedad Española de Entomología Aplicada (SEEA), 7: 8-12