
Orzáez Calatayud

Teléfono: +34 963 879933
Extensión: 79933
Investigador en Plantilla
Investigador Científico CSIC
ResearcherID: H-3457-2012
Localización: Lab. 2.09


Dr Diego Orzáez is Senior Researcher at CSIC and co-leads the PGB group. He did his PhD on Plant Programmed Cell Death (PCD) at Granell´s lab. As a Marie-Curie post-doc he joined E. Woltering´s lab in Wageningen (NL) to study PCD in plant cell cultures. Later he moved to Wageningen University and joined the A. Schot´s LMA lab, where he started the design of plants as antibody biofactories. In 2004 he returned to Valencia with a Ramón y Cajal contract and became tenured scientist in 2008. Diego is in charge of the Genetic Engineering and Synthetic Biology research projects.

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