El trabajo del grupo se dirige fundamentalmente al estudio de los factores que determinan la infección/acumulación de un virus en un huésped determinado. Como dicha acumulación será esencialmente el resultado del balance entre multiplicación viral y degradación, nuestra atención está centrada en los acontecimientos que influencian estos dos procesos. Concretamente, estamos priorizando el análisis de los mecanismos de replicación, transcripción y traducción de genomas virales así como de las estrategias desarrolladas por el patógeno para suprimir la respuesta defensiva del huésped basada en silenciamiento por RNA.
Como modelos, estamos utilizando pequeños virus con genoma de RNA, pertenecientes a la familia Tombusviridae, que se caracterizan por poseer un genoma relativamente sencillo lo que facilita los abordajes experimentales. De forma sucinta, las líneas de investigación actuales serían:
1) Identificación y caracterización de elementos estructurales del RNA viral y de factores proteicos (virales/celulares) implicados en la regulación de los procesos de replicación, transcripción y/o traducción de virus.
2) Estudio de la función viral de supresión del silenciamiento por RNA.
3) Análisis de la posible interferencia de la infección viral con rutas de silenciamiento del huésped.
Marmisolle FE, Borniego MB, Cambiagno DA, Gonzalo L, García ML, Manavella PA, Hernández C, Reyes CA (2024) Citrus psorosis virus 24K protein inhibits the processing of miRNA precursors by interacting with components of the biogenesis machinery.
Microbiology Spectrum 12:e0351323
Beatriz Navarro, Silvia Ambros , Francesco Di Serio, Carmen Hernandez (2023). On the early identification and characterization of pear blister canker viroid, apple dimple fruit viroid, peach latent mosaic viroid and chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid
Virus Res. 2023, 323:199012.
Pérez-Cañamás M, Bustos M, Puértolas V, Castelló Y, Peiró S, Hernández C (2022). Assessment of the RNA Silencing Suppressor Activity of Protein P0 of Pepper Vein Yellows Virus 5: Uncovering Natural Variability, Relevant Motifs and Underlying Mechanism.
Biology 2022, 11, 1801. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology11121801
Pérez-Cañamás M, Taliansky M, Hernández C (2022) A Viral Suppressor of RNA Silencing May Be Targeting a Plant Defence Pathway Involving Fibrillarin
Plants _2022, 11, 1903. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11151903/
Pallas V, Hernández C, Marcos JF, Daròs JA, Ambrós S, Navarro B, Navarro JA, Peña M, Gago-Zachert S, Gas ME, Carbonell A, López C, de Alba AEM, Serio FD, Moreno P (2022) In memoriam of Ricardo Flores: The career, achievements, and legacy of an inspirational plant virologist
Virus Research 312:198718
Pérez-Cañamás, M., Hevia E., Katsarou, K.,Hernández, C. (2021) Genetic evidence for the involvement of Dicer-like 2 and 4 as well as Argonaute 2 in the Nicotiana benthamiana response against Pelargonium line pattern virus
Journal of General Virology 102:001656
Pérez-Cañamás, M.; Hernández, C. (2020) Carmo-like viruses (Tombusviridae)
Encyclopedia of Virology 4th Edition (Bamford, D. and Zuckerman, M. ed.)
Pérez-Cañamás, M.; Hevia, E.; Hernández, C. (2020) Epigenetic changes in host ribosomal DNA promoter induced by an asymptomatic plant virus infection
Biology 9: 91
Flores, Ricardo; Daròs, José-Antonio; Hernández, Carmen; Navarro, Beatriz; and Di Serio, Francesco (2020) Viroids
eLS, 1:192–203
Pérez-Cañamás M; Hernández C (2018) New insights into the nucleolar localization of a plant RNA virus-encoded protein that acts in both RNA packaging and RNA silencing suppression: involvement of importins alpha and relevance for viral infection
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 31:1134-1144
Ambrós S; Martínez F; Ivars P; de la Iglesia F; Hernández C; Elena SF (2017) Molecular and biological characterization of an isolate of Tomato mottle mosaic virus (ToMMV) infecting tomato and other experimental hosts in a greenhouse in Valencia, Spain
European Journal of Plant Pathology, 149:261-268
Pérez-Cañamás M, Blanco-Pérez M, Forment J, Hernández C (2017) Nicotiana benthamiana plants asymptomatically infected by Pelargonium line pattern virus show unusually high accumulation of viral small RNAs that is neither associated with DCL induction nor RDR6 activity
Virology 501:136-146
Blanco-Perez M, Perez-Canamas M, Ruiz L, Hernandez C (2016) Efficient Translation of Pelargonium line pattern virus RNAs Relies on a TED-Like 3 ‘-Translational Enhancer that Communicates with the Corresponding 5 ‘-Region through a Long-Distance RNA-RNA Interaction
Plos ONE 11: e0152593
Blanco-Pérez M, Hernández C (2016) Evidence supporting a premature termination mechanism for subgenomic RNA transcription in Pelargonium line pattern virus: identification of a critical long-range RNA-RNA interaction and functional variants through mutagenesis
Journal of General Virology 97: 1469-1480
Carbonell A, García JA, Simón-Mateo C, Hernández C (2016) Plan Virus RNA Replication
Pérez-Cañamás M, Hernández C (2015) Key importance of small RNA binding for the activity of a glycine-tryptophan (GW) motif-containing viral suppressor of RNA silencing
Journal of Biological Chemistry 290:3106-3120
Scheets K, Jordan R, White KA, Hernández C (2015) Pelarspovirus, a new genus of plant viruses within family Tombusviridae
Archives of Virology 160: 2385-93
Martínez-Turiño S, Hernández C (2012) Analysis of the subcellular targeting of the smaller replicase protein of Pelargonium flower break virus
Virus Research 163: 580-591
Martínez-Turiño S, Hernández C (2011) A membrane-associated movement protein of Pelargonium flower break virus shows RNA binding activity and contains a biologically relevant leucine zipper-like motif
Virology 413: 310-319
Fernández-Miragall O, Hernández C (2011) An internal ribosome entry site directs translation of the 3′-gene from Pelargonium flower break virus genomic RNA: implications for infectivity
PLoS ONE 6: e22617
Castaño A, Ruiz L, Elena SF, Hernández C (2011) Population differentiation and selective constraints in Pelargonium line pattern virus
Virus Research 155: 274-282
Martínez-Turiño S, Hernández C (2010) Identification and characterization of RNA binding activity in the ORF1-encoded replicase protein of Pelargonium flower break virus
Journal of General Virology 91: 3075-3084
Rico P, Hernández C (2009) Characterization of the subgenomic RNAs produced by Pelargonium flower break virus: identification of two novel RNA species
Virus Research 142: 100-107
Martínez-Turiño S, Hernández C (2009) Inhibition of RNA silencing by the coat protein of Pelargonium flower break virus: distinctions from closely related suppressors
Journal of General Virology 90: 519-525
Castaño A, Ruiz L, Hernández C (2009) Insights into the translational regulation of biologically active open reading frames of Pelargonium line pattern virus
Virology 386: 417–426
Flores R, Gas ME, Molina D, Hernandez C, Daros JA (2008) Analysis of viroid replication
Methods in Molecular Biology 451: 167-183
Covelli L, Kozlakidis Z, Di Serio F, Citir A, Açıkgöz A, Hernández C, Ragozzino A, Coutts RHA, Flores R (2008) Characterization of the smallest double-stranded RNAs associated with cherry chlorotic rusty spot and Amasya cherry diseases reveals a putative chrysovirus satellite RNA
Archives of Virology 153: 759-762
Castaño A, Hernández C (2008) Infectivity of transcripts from Pelargonium line pattern virus cDNA clone: effect of additional nucleotides at the 3´ end of the viral RNA
Acta Virologica 51: 271-274
Gas ME, Molina-Serrano D, Hernández C, Flores R, Daròs JA (2008) Monomeric linear RNA of Citrus exocortis viroid resulting from processing in vivo has 5′-phosphomonoester and 3′-hydroxyl termini: implications for the RNase and RNA ligase involved in replication
Journal of Virology 82: 10321-10325
Ruiz L, Castaño A, Borja M, Hernández C (2008) Pelargonium chlorotic ring pattern virus: first report in Spain
Plant Pathology 57: 396
Chaffai M, Serra P, Gandía M, Hernández C, Duran-Vila N (2007) Molecular characterization of CEVd strains that induce different phenotypes in Gynura aurantiaca: structure-pathogenicity relationships
Archives of Virology 152: 1283-1294
Gas ME, Hernández C, Flores R, Daròs JA (2007) Processing of nuclear viroids in vivo: an interplay between RNA conformations
PLoS Pathogens 3: 1813-1826
Hernández C, Di Serio F Ambrós S, Daròs J A, Flores R (2006) An element of tertiary structure in Peach latent mosaic viroid RNA revealed by UV irradiation
Journal of Virology 80: 9336-9340
Rico P, Hernández C (2006) Infectivity of in vitro transcripts from a full length cDNA clone of Pelargonium flower break virus in an experimental and a natural host
Journal of Plant Pathology 88: 103-106
Rico P, Ivars P, Elena SF, Hernández C (2006) Insights on the selective pressures restricting Pelargonium flower break virus genome variability: evidence for host adaptation
Journal of Virology 80: 8124-8132
Kozlakidis Z, Covelli L, Di Serio F, Citir A, Açıkgöz S, Hernández C, Ragozzino A, Flores R, Coutts RHA (2006) Molecular characterization of the largest mycoviral-like double-stranded RNAs 1 isolated from plants with Amasya cherry disease, a disease of presumed fungal etiology
Journal of General Virology 87: 3113-3117
Flores R, Delgado S, Rodio ME, Ambrós S, Hernández C, Di Serio, F (2006) Peach latent mosaic viroid: not so latent
Molecular Plant Pathology 7: 209-221
Delgado S, Martínez de Alba AE, Hernández C, Flores R (2005) A short double-stranded RNA motif of Peach latent mosaic viroid contains the initiation and the self-cleavage sites of both polarity strands
Journal of Virology 79: 12934-12943
Castaño A, Hernández C (2005) Complete nucleotide sequence and genome organization of Pelargonium line pattern virus and its relationship with the family Tombusviridae
Archives of Virology 150: 949-965
Flores R, Hernández C, Martínez de Alba AE, Daròs JA, Di Serio F (2005) Viroids and viroid-host interactions
Annual Reviews in Phytopathology 43: 117-139
Covelli L, Coutts RHA, Di Serio F, Citir A, Acikgoz S, Hernandez C, Ragozzino A, Flores R (2004) Cherry chlorotic rusty spot and Amasya cherry diseases are associated with a complex pattern of mycoviral-like double-stranded RNAs. I. Characterization of a new species of genus Chrysovirus
Journal of General Virology 85: 3389-3397
Rico P, Hernández C (2004) Complete nucleotide sequence and genome organization of Pelargonium flower break virus
Archives of Virology 149: 641-651
Ivars P, Alonso M, Borja M, Hernández C (2004) Development of a non-radioactive dot-blot hybridisation assay for the detection of Pelargonium flower break virus and Pelargonium line pattern virus
European Journal of Plant Pathology 110: 275-283
Proyectos últimos 15 años
PROMETEO/2022/21. “New plant breeding strategies based on whole-plant RNA delivery and data mining (RNAbreed)”. Funding: Generalitat Valenciana (Call: Prometeo Program for Research Groups of Excellence). Co-PI: Carmen Hernández. 2023-2026.
TED2021-132160B-I00. “Exploring the potential of natural extracts as plant antivirals”. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Call: Strategic Projects oriented to the Ecological and Digital Transition/ National R+D+i Plan). PI: Carmen Hernández (CSIC). 2022-2024
COOPA22029. “Molecular analysis of Saffron latent virus (SaLV), an emerging pathogen in the highly valuable Crocus sativus (L) crop”. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Call: Program of International Cooperation for Development, I-COOP-CSIC). PI: Carmen Hernández (CSIC) (International partner: Akbar Dizadji, University of Tehran, Iran). 2023-2024.
PROMETEO/2019/012. “Plant-virus dynamic interactions: identifying early-warnings of critical transitions to disease”. Funding body: Generalitat Valenciana (Call: Prometeo Program for Research Groups of Excellence). PI: S.F. Elena (I2SysBio, CSIC). 2019-2022. Responsible of WP2/collaborator in other WPs: Carmen Hernández.
COOPA20461. “Development of molecular strategies for production of virus free saffron (Crocus sativus L.) crop”. Funding body: Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Call: Program of International Cooperation for Development, I-COOP-CSIC). PI: Carmen Hernández (CSIC) (International partner: Majid Shokrpour, University of Tehran, Iran). 2021-2022.
COOPA20191. “Analysis of the mode of action of the RNA silencing suppressors of Citrus psorosis virus (CPsV)”. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Call: Program of International Cooperation for Development, I-COOP-CSIC). PI: Carmen Hernández (CSIC) (International partner: Carina Reyes, CONICET, La Plata, Argentina). 2018-2019.
BFU2015-70261-P. “Study of the modulation of translation and RNA silencing suppression processes in a plant RNA virus”. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Call: Projects of Excellence/National R+D+i Plan). PI: Carmen Hernández (CSIC). 2016-2019.
BFU2012-36095. “Analysis of a commensalistic plant-virus relationship: study of viral accumulation determinants and of potential epigenetic alterations in the host genome”. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Projects of Non- Oriented Fundamental Research/National R+D+i Plan). PI: Carmen Hernández (CSIC). 2013-2015.
BFU2009-11699. “Study of non-canonical translational mechanims in plant viruses: analysis of their potential advantages over the conventional mechanism”. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Call: Projects of Fundamental Research/ National R+D+i Plan). PI: Carmen Hernández (CSIC). 2010-2012.
Proyectos últimos 15 años
PROMETEO/2022/21. “New plant breeding strategies based on whole-plant RNA delivery and data mining (RNAbreed)”. Funding: Generalitat Valenciana (Call: Prometeo Program for Research Groups of Excellence). Co-PI: Carmen Hernández. 2023-2026.
TED2021-132160B-I00. “Exploring the potential of natural extracts as plant antivirals”. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Call: Strategic Projects oriented to the Ecological and Digital Transition/ National R+D+i Plan). PI: Carmen Hernández (CSIC). 2022-2024
COOPA22029. “Molecular analysis of Saffron latent virus (SaLV), an emerging pathogen in the highly valuable Crocus sativus (L) crop”. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Call: Program of International Cooperation for Development, I-COOP-CSIC). PI: Carmen Hernández (CSIC) (International partner: Akbar Dizadji, University of Tehran, Iran). 2023-2024.
PROMETEO/2019/012. “Plant-virus dynamic interactions: identifying early-warnings of critical transitions to disease”. Funding body: Generalitat Valenciana (Call: Prometeo Program for Research Groups of Excellence). PI: S.F. Elena (I2SysBio, CSIC). 2019-2022. Responsible of WP2/collaborator in other WPs: Carmen Hernández.
COOPA20461. “Development of molecular strategies for production of virus free saffron (Crocus sativus L.) crop”. Funding body: Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Call: Program of International Cooperation for Development, I-COOP-CSIC). PI: Carmen Hernández (CSIC) (International partner: Majid Shokrpour, University of Tehran, Iran). 2021-2022.
COOPA20191. “Analysis of the mode of action of the RNA silencing suppressors of Citrus psorosis virus (CPsV)”. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Call: Program of International Cooperation for Development, I-COOP-CSIC). PI: Carmen Hernández (CSIC) (International partner: Carina Reyes, CONICET, La Plata, Argentina). 2018-2019.
BFU2015-70261-P. “Study of the modulation of translation and RNA silencing suppression processes in a plant RNA virus”. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Call: Projects of Excellence/National R+D+i Plan). PI: Carmen Hernández (CSIC). 2016-2019.
BFU2012-36095. “Analysis of a commensalistic plant-virus relationship: study of viral accumulation determinants and of potential epigenetic alterations in the host genome”. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Projects of Non- Oriented Fundamental Research/National R+D+i Plan). PI: Carmen Hernández (CSIC). 2013-2015.
BFU2009-11699. “Study of non-canonical translational mechanims in plant viruses: analysis of their potential advantages over the conventional mechanism”. Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Call: Projects of Fundamental Research/ National R+D+i Plan). PI: Carmen Hernández (CSIC). 2010-2012.
Análisis de procesos de transcripción, traducción y degradación del virus del arabesco del Pelargonium.
Año: 2016
Nombre: Blanco Pérez, Marta
Universidad: Universitat Politécnica de Valencia
Dirigida por: Hernández, Carmen
Tipo: Tesis Doctorales
Análisis funcional de las proteínas codificadas por el virus de la rotura del color de la flor del Pelargonium.
Año: 2012
Nombre: Martínez Turiño, Sandra
Universidad: Universitat Politécnica de Valencia
Dirigida por: Hernández, Carmen.
Tipo: Tesis Doctorales
Estudio de relaciones estructura-función en el virus del arabesco del Pelargonium.
Año: 2009
Nombre: Castaño Sansano, Aurora
Universidad: Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
Dirigida por: Hernández, Carmen.
Tipo: Tesis Doctorales
Replicación de los viroides nucleares: motivos estructurales y enzimas implicados en el procesamiento in vivo de sus intermediarios oligoméricos.
Año: 2007
Nombre: Gas López, María Eugenia
Universidad: Universidad de Valencia
Dirigida por: Daròs, Jose Antonio; Flores, Ricardo; Hernández, Carmen.
Tipo: Tesis Doctorales
El virus de la rotura del color de la flor del Pelargonium: caracterización de su genoma, análisis de su variabilidad molecular y estudio de elementos en cis relevantes en replicación.
Año: 2006
Nombre: Rico Tortosa, Patricia
Universidad: Universitat Politécnica de Valencia
Dirigida por: Hernández, Carmen
Tipo: Tésis Doctorales
Desarrollo de métodos de diagnóstico para las principales virosis del geranio y estudio de la variabilidad molecular del virus de la rotura del color del Pelargonium.
Año: 2003
Nombre: Ivars González, Pilar
Universidad: Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
Dirigida por: Hernández, Carmen.
Tipo: Trabajos de Fin de Carrera
Mecanismos de defensa asociados a infecciones por viroides
Año: 2001
Nombre: Chaffai, Mohammed
Universidad: Universidad de Valencia
Dirigida por: Durán Vila, Nuria; Hernández, Carmen
Tipo: Tésis Doctorales