Friday November 3rd 12:30h. Conference Hall 3rd floor Dr. Elena Caro. CBGP

Fecha y Hora del Seminario: November 3, 2023 12:30 pm

Dr. Elena Caro. CBGP (Madrid)

“Small RNAs as epigenetic regulators in the plant response to heat in theTGRooZ system”

Climate change is increasing the frequency of extreme heat events that aggravate the effect of other stresses on plant development and agricultural yield. We have engineered the TGRooZ, a device that generates a decreasing temperature gradient in the root while allowing for increased temperatures in the air, mimicking real conditions in the field. Epigenetic regulation of the responses to heat and phosphate deficit under these experimental conditions will be discussed.

If anyone is interested in meeting with the speaker, please contact Diego Orzaez ( )



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