Pre- and Post-Zygotic Barriers Contribute to Reproductive Isolation and Correlate with Genetic Distance in Cucumis

The recent article of our Genomics and Plant Breeding group on interspecific barriers and reproductive isolation in Cucumis is already published online. Pre- and Post-Zygotic Barriers Contribute to Reproductive Isolation and Correlate with Genetic Distance in Cucumis María Ferriol, Unzué Simó, Carme J. Mansanet, Alejandro Torres, Belén Picó, Antonio J. Monforte and Carlos Romero. Abstract: […]
Merry Christmas!

All the team and staff that is part of the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, wanted to thank the trust and support throughout this year. We will continue working on quality research to develop new solutions for agronomic and nutritional improvement of crops. Merry Christmas and happy new year 2023!
Seminar Dr. Josep M. Casacuberta. CRAG, Barcelona. Friday December 2nd 12:30h. Conference Hall 3rd floor

“Transposable elements as key drivers of gene expression evolution in plants” Our research aims at deciphering the mechanisms that control TE activity in plants and analyzing the impact of TEs in plant genome evolution. Our main projects at present aim at uncovering the mechanisms of retrotransposon target site selection, the impact of TEs in the […]
IBMCP’s Seminar 2022-2023

We present the seminars planned for the 2022-23 academic year. The calendar is not yet closed and the expected dates and times may suffer some variation. Extraordinary seminars that are not included in this calendar may also be scheduled. The possible changes that may occur will be informed promptly. Seminars 22-23 IBMCP
Seminar Dr. Eunsook Park, University of Wyoming, November 4th 12:30h. Conference Hall 3rd floor

“Dynamic Inter-Organellar Communications in Plant-Microbe Interaction” As sessile organisms, plants have developed well-orchestrated molecular mechanisms in response to microbial pathogens. Multiple immune signaling pathways coordinated by several subcellular compartments and interactions between organelles play an essential role in activating a successful immune response against invading pathogens. Interestingly, various organelles are targets of pathogens to manipulate […]
Seminar Carlos Castellanos, Artist-in-Residence at the IBMCP. 26th May 12:30h

This week we have an extraordinary seminar at the IBMCP by our Artist-in-Residence Carlos Castellanos (, @ccastellanossf), with the title: “Intersections of Living and Machine Agencies in the Arts”. Carlos is the artist awarded with our first Artistic Residence AR(t)IBMCP, organized together with the Vicerrectorate for Arts, Science, Technology and Society at the […]