
Merelo Cremades

Teléfono: +34 96 387 78 50
Extensión: 78637/78642
Career Track Fellow
Investigadora Ramón y Cajal


I am Agronomic Engineer (2006; UPV, Valencia). In 2007, I was awarded an INIA fellowship to carry out a PhD thesis in Biotechnology under the supervision of Dr. Francisco Tadeo and Dr. Manuel Talón at IVIA (2007-2011). I conducted my postdoctoral research (2012-2016) in the group of Dr. Marcus Heisler at EMBL (Germany). I have led a project as a Career Track Fellow (2018-2021) at IBMCP (CSIC-UPV, Valencia) thanks to the ComFuturo program (FGCSIC), and hosted by Dr. Cristina Ferrándiz, with whom I have been collaborating the last years. This project also got the seal of excellence of H2020-MSCA-IF-2017. Recently, I have been awarded a Ramón y Cajal fellowship (2022) and I am leading my independent research line at IBMCP (January 2023).

During my research career, I have developed research lines in the fields of Plant Development, Biotechnology, Genetics and Molecular and Cell Biology. My past research lines include: i) studying the molecular basis of citrus abscission through genomic approaches, ii) understanding the gene regulatory networks controlling meristem function and organ development in Arabidopsis thaliana, and iii) characterization of the genetic pathways and signals that regulate proliferative arrest in monocarpic plants.

My current research line is focused on how different hormones and genetic networks regulate the balance between stem cell proliferation and differentiation in the shoot apical meristem, which is crucial for building the plant architecture, and ensuring shoot growth and flower/fruit production.

Research projects:

  1. Regulation of shoot spical meristem function by hormone crosstalk and nutrient availability. RYC2021‐034342‐I. Paz Merelo (PI). IBMCP. 2023-2027.
  2. Characterization of the global proliferative arrest and its potential as a breeding target in cereals (Late-GPA-Plants; ComFuturo). Paz Merelo (PI). IBMCP. 2018-2021.
  3. European Research Council (GA 261081). Marcus Heisler (PI), Paz Merelo (Postdoctoral researcher). EMBL. 2010-2015.
  4. Isolation and molecular characterization of genes related to citrus production and fruit quality (RTA2008-00065-00-00). Francisco Tadeo Serrano (PI), Paz Merelo (Team member; PhD). IVIA. 2008-2010.

Publicaciones destacadas

*/CA = corresponding author

  1. Merelo P*, González-Cuadra I, Ferrándiz C. 2022. A cellular analysis of meristem activity at the end of flowering points to cytokinin as a major regulator of proliferative arrest in Arabidopsis. Curr Biol 32: 749-762.
  2. Merelo P, Paredes EB, Heisler MG, Wenkel S. 2017. The shady side of leaf development: the role of the REVOLUTA/KANADI1 module in leaf patterning and auxin-mediated growth promotion. Curr Opin Plant Biol 2: 111-116.
  3. Merelo P, Agustí J, Arbona V… Talón M, Tadeo FR (CA) (1/12). 2017. Cell wall remodeling in abscission zone cells during ethylene-promoted fruit abscission in Citrus. Front Plant Sci 2: 126.
  4. Merelo P, Ram H, Pia Caggiano M… Wenkel S (CA), Heisler MG (CA) (1/11). 2016. Regulation of MIR165/166 by class II and class III homeodomain leucine zipper proteins establishes leaf polarity. PNAS 113: 11973-11978.
  5. Merelo P, Xie Y, Brand L, Ott F, Weigel D, Bowman JL, Heisler MG, Wenkel S. 2013. Genome-wide identification of KANADI1 target genes. PLoS One 14: e77341.
  6. Kraiselburd I, Daurelio LD, Tondo ML, Merelo P, Cortadi AA, Talón M, Tadeo FR, Orellano EG. 2013. The LOV protein of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri plays a significant role in the counteraction of plant immune responses during citrus canker. PLoS One 8: e80930.
  7. Estornell LH, Agustí J, Merelo P, Talón M, Tadeo FR. 2013. Elucidating mechanisms underlying organ abscission. Plant Sci 199: 48-60.
  8. Caruso M, Merelo P, Distefano G, La Malfa S, Lo Piero AR, Tadeo FR, Talon M, Gentile A. 2012. Comparative transcriptome analysis of stylar canal cells identifies novel candidate genes implicated in the self-incompatibility response of Citrus clementina. BMC Plant Biol 14: 20.
  9. Agustí J, Merelo P, Cercós M, Tadeo FR, Talón M. 2009. Comparative transcriptional survey between laser-microdissected cells from laminar abscission zone and petiolar cortical tissue during ethylene-promoted abscission in citrus leaves. BMC Plant Biol 23: 127.
  10. Agustí J, Merelo P; Cercós M; Tadeo FR; Talón M. 2008. Ethylene-induced differential gene expression during abscission of citrus leaves. J Exp Bot 59: 2717-2733.