Nace FITONET, la red social de la biodiversidad vegetal

Arranca el proyecto FITONET, que une a relevantes empresas (Bullsoft Solutions, UPA, DANUNHA, el Obrador de Creative, Agrosa), fundaciones (Cellbitech, Cajamar) plataformas (BIOVEGEN), y centros de investigación españoles (AGROFOR del CSIC, entre los que se encuentra IBMCP) para desarrollar herramientas que permitan al sector agroalimentario valorizar la biodiversidad vegetal . El objetivo de FITONET […]
Seminar Dr. Jose Manuel Franco-Zorilla. Friday March 10th 12:30h. Conference Hall 3rd floor

Dr. Jose Manuel Franco-Zorilla. Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB), Madrid. “Transcriptional regulation in plants in a changing world“ Plants are exposed to a changing environment and constantly need to adapt their growth and development to fluctuating conditions for survival. These adaptive responses are tightly regulated and signaling cascades most often converge at the activity of […]